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Title: Undertale
Release Date: 15 Sep, 2015
Buy Undertale
Buy Undertale - Game + Soundtrack Bundle
Downloadable Content For This Game
“The puzzles aren't particularly impressive.”
10/10 –
“I have a couple of issues with the user interface.”
10/10 –
“If there’s a criticism to be had, it’s that sometimes Toby Fox doesn’t know when to let a joke go.”
10/10 –
About This Game
Welcome to UNDERTALE. In this RPG, you control a human who falls underground into the world of monsters. Now you must find your way out... or stay trapped forever.
((Healthy Dog's Warning: Game contains imagery that may be harmful to players with photosensitive epilepsy or similar condition.))
Killing is unnecessary: negotiate out of danger using the unique battle system.
Time your attacks for extra damage, then dodge enemy attacks in a style reminiscent of top-down shooters.
Original art and soundtrack brimming with personality.
Soulful, character-rich story with an emphasis on humor.
Created mostly by one person.
Become friends with all of the bosses!
At least 5 dogs.
You can date a skeleton.
Hmmm... now there are 6 dogs...?
Maybe you won't want to date the skeleton.
I thought I found a 7th dog, but it was actually just the 3rd dog.
If you play this game, can you count the dogs for me...? I'm not good at it.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 128MB
Storage: 200 MB available space
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, or 10
Processor: 2GHz+
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: 512MB
Storage: 200 MB available space
OS: Mac OS X
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Storage: 200 MB available space
OS: Mac OS X
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Storage: 200 MB available space
OS: If you can run other games on Steam, it's probably OK
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Storage: 200 MB available space
OS: Ubuntu 14+
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Storage: 200 MB available space
Undertale (C) Toby Fox
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70 people found this review funny
10/10 game 0/10 fanbase
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139 people found this review funny
Pros:- Amazing music.- Amazing characters.- You don't have to kill anyone.- All problems can be solves without violence.- Goat mom is so nice.- You can date a skeleton.- You can be friendzoned by said skeleton.- Dogs.- You can fight a fish woman and then hang out with her later and become friends.- You help said fish woman and an anime loving lizard dinosaur thing discover their true feelings and get together.- You can pet the dogs.- Puns.- You get to be on TV with a hot robot dude.- Puzzles- Quotable and memorable dialogue.- Pretend date the scientist lizard.- Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 1 is better than Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2.- You can throw a stick and the dogs will catch it.Cons:- This game is fictional.
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When this little game rolled onto the Steam storefront on September 15th of 2015, I think it’s pretty safe to say hardly anyone probably could’ve imagined the impact it would have. I know I certainly didn’t; after all, my first exposure to Undertale came in the form of seeing the backlash its own fanbase brought upon it, alongside the vocal cynics and critics who panned it as “overrated garbage”. With claims flying left and right that it was the next Five Nights At Freddy’s and constant jokes about how it was “Tumblr’s favorite game”, I had plenty of reason to be skeptical.When I looked into things myself, though, I found something far different than what I had been anticipating. Even from the very first moments I saw it in action, Undertale…connected with me, in a way few games have ever managed to, first impression or otherwise. As time continued on, I was shocked to see just how much love the game was receiving, including praise from such people as Totalbiscuit and Yahtzee (people known for tending not to be fans of the RPG genre), and so it rapidly became clear that there had to be so something big. If it could so thoroughly draw in even those who typically can’t enjoy the genre, then if nothing else, it had to be worth checking out.I went in with some damn high expectations.What I got was one of the best games I’ve ever played.I truly wish I had the words to properly explain what Undertale is to me. I could go on for hours about the near-perfection of the soundtrack. I could rave about the writing and how rewardingly rich in detail and nuance it is. I could praise it for its characters and the level of care put into making even the most minor NPCs come to life with personality. I could write a freakin dissertation on the sheer brilliance of how it uses meta not only to comment on the tropes and conventions of its genre, but also as a powerful gameplay and storytelling tool that rewards replay value. I could gush until the end of time about the powerful messages Undertale presents and the skill with which it presents them. Hell, the game even uses its meta as a means to address real world issues, doing so with an inspiring amount of dignity. However, what I truly adore the most about this game is how unapologetic it is. It’s never afraid to be what it is, and that confidence takes its strengths and makes them into something far greater than the sum of those parts. From start to finish, Undertale is one of the most utterly brilliant meta commentaries I’ve ever seen, executed with a pitch-perfect prowess that creates an experience the likes of which few other games can match. There is
another lay another beautiful detail to be discovered. And the deeper one digs, the more brilliantly this absolute diamond of a gem sparkles. No part of Undertale is manufactured: not a single pixel has escaped the loving caress of a gentle crafting hand, and as the offspring of a mere $52,000 Kickstart (over 10x the amount Toby asked for), it’s easily one of the most refreshing games of the last few years. Undertale made me laugh. Undertale made me cry. Undertale made me think deeply about the world around me.But most powerfully of all, Undertale touched me unlike any game before it. So much so that it became my current favorite game I've ever played, in fact.Yes indeed, this wonderfully unforgettable experience.It fills me.With determination.I adore this game.
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14 people found this review funny
My reaction when I play this game:Hhaha omg those are some really nice jokes lmao.....why am i crying Q_Q ??10/10
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All right, this game is epic. There is just few rules you need to follow to get most out of the enjoyment.First: DO NOT ENTER THE FANDOM WITHOUT BEING PREPARED! Most of it is darn lethal to your braincells and made even the creator to cry out &oh god why!&Second: Do not let anyone tell you how to play this game, do it your own way. As long as you remember to read the text everything will be good to go.Third: Go through blind, if possible.Do those and you will have epic time, rediscover your emotions you though you you didn't have anymore and lot more of things! I have yet to met anyone who dislikes this after actually playing through it and reading the texts!
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24 people found this review funny
Pros:- Amazing music.- Amazing characters.- You don't have to kill anyone.- All problems can be solves without violence.- Goat mom is so nice.- You can date a skeleton.- You can be friendzoned by said skeleton.- Dogs.- You can fight a fish woman and then hang out with her later and become friends.- You help said fish woman and an anime loving lizard dinosaur thing discover their true feelings and get together.- You can pet the dogs.- Puns.- You get to be on TV with a hot robot dude.- Puzzles- Quotable and memorable dialogue.- Pretend date the scientist lizard.- Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 1 is better than Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2.- You can throw a stick and the dogs will catch it.Cons:- Most of this can't happen in real life
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Calling this an exceptional title is bound to spark controversy, but then what else can you call it? I can't help but draw a parallel to Howard Hughes' obsessive refinement of his movies, since Undertale, too, was essentially designed by one man with complete and total control over all aspects, and who also chose to obsessively work on his so called &art&. Both authors also happened to have a money parachute, allowing them to do nothing but work on their creation for months on end, and what we ended up with is as close to their vision as you can get. You really can't say much about this game without spoiling anything, and the less you know about it, the more you are likely to enoy it. Despite having seen a ton of spoilers I was still surprised countless times. It's best that you watch the trailer and decide whether or not you're interested based on that alone. As for all the hatred surrounding Undertale, I believe that is actually directed towards the fanbase, not the game itself. You'll understand once you've both finished the game, and interacted with the community.
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undertale is 100/10 game. It is amazing and I love it. The story and characters are amazing! and how can we not love THE GREAT PAPYRUS and Mama Toriel. :D &333
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The one time where hype for a game is entirely justified. So many feels, and your choices really do matter!
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this is the only game that made me cry
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best ditching jerry simulator 11/10 would ditch jerry again
tommie needs college
This game is probably one of my favorites. Although it may seem simplistic at first, this game is very touching. This game was made very well. I would recommend it.
Its a tale about monsters
Great game
undertale is a cool game i love it
It is AMAZING! I am very impressed with this game. I am also pleased with the amount of time you have to spend to complete the game, it is not to short or to long! And the characters are very touching as well, and again, Very impressed
its a good meme
Product received for free
made me weep for weeks
Play it, just play it. You owe it to yourself.
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《传说之下undertale》中普通结局,好结局和真结局三个结局中都有这不同的剧情内容,其中好结局有着跟的特殊的情节,下面就是一览。如果是二周目才跑GE,能跳过几乎所有解迷。如果你是那种一周目就跑GE的变态狂,还是得乖乖解谜。遗迹篇:照镜子的对话: 是我,(输入名字) (红字)翻羊妈的厨房:刀子放在哪?!(红字)一刀砍向羊妈:你就这么恨我吗.......................羊妈遗言:我终于知道我把你关在遗迹里是在保护谁了,我是在保护其他怪物,哈哈阿........通过门后,遇到小花。小花告诉可操控角色,要可操控角色跟他合作,一起获取神力,杀光所有人,所有东西。一起把这个毫无意义的世界毁灭。雪原村篇:可操控角色会忽略sans的整人握手,并拒绝躲到方便灯后面。和sans对话:我兄弟真的很想看到人类,帮我个忙,如果你继续假装成是人类,他会很开心的。通过吊桥后,SANS(胖骷髅)跟可操控角色呛声:你选的这条道路不是正道,如果你决心往下走,那你可就有骨头吃了。然后顺移消失。sans在接下来的剧情都不会再出现了。(原文是 had a bad time 光山翻成有骨头吃是个非常聪明又洽当的翻译)可操控角色会从雪人身上挖走三块雪。雪原村店家都不见了,可以直接把商品和零钱偷走。可以去调查酒吧的后门,对话:我过不了火门,只有火能从这里通过瀑布篇:暴怒假人:因为可操控角色到处杀人非常非常的生气,暴怒值破表之后,他的灵魂和假人身体融合,终于真正的復活了。(然后被可操控角色杀了)因为解谜都消失了,所以Temmie村的位置会变得非常好发现。Temmie店员还会留守,但是没办法帮他还学贷,而是多出一个用1000$买超烂补品的选项。乌龟店长:会出现全新的对话选项,他死也不会给你折扣的。命运:我跟国王以前都同意,回到地面是没有意义的,反正我们上去之后就会被人类杀掉。所以当他又开始收集灵魂想回到地面时,我有种被背叛的感觉。不过你出现后我的想法又变了,反正不管在这里还是地面上,人类都会把我们杀光 对吧?威胁:我活得够老够久了,我不再畏惧像你这种威胁。试试看阿,小鬼,谅你不敢。知道这种事,是我活这么久的唯一原因。战斗:阿? 我不是英雄 从来就不是。你打一下我这把老骨头就会..就会..恩....但至少跟你瞎扯的时候我帮他们争取到很多逃跑的时间。英雄:我不是英雄,但我知道外面的某人是! 他不会放弃作对的事,不管有多难。没有什么传说或预言说会有英雄,但我就是知道这是真的,会有人打败你的。BOSS战:怪物小孩会在TE/或NE跌倒的那座桥上出现,认为可操控角色其实是好人,触发战斗后被可操控角色杀掉。鱼人女突然出现代替怪物小孩领便当,因为鱼人女的强烈决心又马上復活。进入真正的BOSS战。唯二不会在GE被秒杀的BOSS。熔岩地篇:宅龙:不会出现在实验室里,机器人说她忙着把民众疏散到安全的地方,某个可操控角色永远不可能找的到的地方。他表示自己不会跟可操控角色战斗,比起英雄这世界更需要明星,然后就逃了。实验室的狗饲料是半空的(NE/TE是半满的)监视萤幕:那个真的是我吗?蜘蛛女:听说有个穿条纹衣的人类会经过听说人类讨厌蜘蛛听说人类喜欢踩死蜘蛛听说人类还会把蜘蛛的脚一根一根拔下来我还听说........人类的味道很难吃(最后一句在NE/TE是 我还听说人类对于花掉他们的钱超小气)核心篇:饭店的颜艺工读生会出现新的对话选项。(不知道该说它勇敢还是蠢....)威胁工读生:抱歉 我不能下地狱 我的排假都用光了机器人会用很煞气的外观出现,讲一段要守护自己所爱之物的宣言,进入BOSS战。攻击力99,防御力1。打败的遗言:我想你应该不会加入粉丝俱乐部吧?看来博士应该在防御力上多下点功夫呢.....王城-新家篇:在国王的新家里乱翻东西,翻衣柜的对话变成:还是以前那件衬衫(红字)翻厨房抽屉:刀子到底放在哪?!(红字)翻冰箱:居然没有巧克力(红字)小羊房间的礼物变成一把真刀,装备后的风味文字是:也该是时候了。随着可操控角色往王座厅前进,小花会一直出现,并且开始自白哈啰 你好阿 你终于来到【家】了(输入名字) 还记得我们以前常在这里玩吗?嘻嘻嘻 唉呀 今天会跟以前一样好玩的我还记得我第一次在这花园里醒来我好害怕,感觉不到我的手和脚,我整个身体都变成了一朵花!!!!妈妈!爸爸!谁来帮帮我阿......(OMEGA小花的嘲讽台词)但没有人出现BUT NOBODY CAME终于 国王发现我了 把我带到花园里我向他解释发生了什么事然后,他捧起我。(输入名字),他含着眼泪捧起了我。然后说:放心吧 没事的 一切都会很好他....他好激动,这本该是个感动的时刻。但,出于某种原因 我却什么都感觉不到。很快的,我发现我什么都感觉不到,什么都不在乎。我的同理心消失了哈哈,相信我 我可不是没有尝试过。我浪费了好几周的时间在那蠢国王上。徒然的试着想让我感觉到什么。但这对我来说都太沉重了,我逃家。最后,我逃到了遗迹那。在遗迹里,我遇见了她。(输入名字),我本以为,在所有人之中,她一定能让我重新感到爱。........................
她失败了,哈哈(苦笑)我理解到他们两个都是没用的废物我绝望了。我只是想要能再次爱人。我只是想要能再度在乎。(输入名字),你大概不会相信但我决定......活着不再有价值在这种无法感受到爱的世界里.....在这样一个没有你的世界里.....所以,我决定追随你的脚步。把自己从这世界抹除。猜怎么着? 我成功了 : )但,当我抽离了这尘间轮迴.....我开始感到一股忧虑如果你没有灵魂的话,那你死掉之后会?????某种原始的东西在我体内点燃了不!!!! 我不想 !!!!我还不想死!!!!然后我醒来了 好像这一切只是一场噩梦(GAMEOVER画面会出现的文字)我回到花园里回到我的【保存点】 :D真有趣.... 我决定开始实验一次又一次,我把自己带到死亡的边缘只要我想, 我随时都能让这世界在没有我的状况下继续前进(过去式)但只要我坚持着,坚持要活下去.......我就能回去真让人惊讶 是吧? 我也很惊讶。(过去式)一开始,我把这力量用在好的事情上我和每个人成为朋友我完美的解决他们遭遇的每个问题他们的陪伴很愉悦.......但持续不了多久随着时间不断重复人们证明了他们全都是可预测的如果我这样做,他会说什么?如果我这样说,他会做什么?当你知道一切的答案.... 这就是一切了这就是构成人的一切了。那都是从我开始好奇开始的。开始好奇......如果我把它们杀了会怎样?我不喜欢这样..... 我告诉自己【我】 只是因为必须知道会发生什么,才这样做的。哈哈哈哈真是个狗屁藉口【你】这傢伙 就是想亲手探索自由的意思 才干出这种事 (小花强调单人特殊性 特指你)至少我们比那些在旁边围观 看着事情发生的孬种好多了那些可悲的傢伙 想知道答案却又太懦弱 不敢自己亲手探索我敢打赌它们之中的某些人现在正在看着 是吧?(指的就是你们这些不敢自己破屠杀结局 只看实况或剧透的废物)我读过每一本书,我烧过每一本书。我赢过每场游戏,也输过每场游戏。我拯救过每个人,也把他们都杀光过。数字的组合......对话的组合......我全都看过了但你你不一样 我从来没办法预测你的行为。你第一次出现在遗迹时,我没认出你。我以为我能吓到你,然后偷走你的灵魂我失败了,而当我试着读取我的【保存点】我失败了(输入名字) 你的决心,不知怎么的 居然比我还要强大我只剩一个问题想问你你之前是怎么从这里跑到遗迹的?等等 我知道了!她一定是在离开时带你走的然后决定给你好好举办一场葬礼而不是被永远丢在地下室里 (国王把它杀掉的人类尸体都放在王座厅的地下室,那边有7个彩色棺材)但为甚么?你为甚么醒来了?你听到我在叫你吗?但那都不重要了 我好累我对这一切都感到好累( 输入名字)我厌倦了这些人,我厌倦了这些地方,我受够了继续当一朵花我只剩一件事情想做,只剩一件事想完成。我们该结束我们开始的。让我们解放所有人,让他们看看真正的人性是怎么一回事仅管如此,这仍然是个【杀,或者被杀】的世界恩....亨?我还满享受这股力量带来的乐趣但看到你这样,改变了我的想法( 输入名字) 我想 如果有你在我身边到地面上生活似乎不是个坏主意我们这次甚至不需要离开就能弄到手 (暗示了小花跟可操纵角色以前曾经想要弄到7魂)国王有6个,都锁得好好的。我试过上千种办法,但他就是不肯把他们拿出来。但你 我知道国王会为了你使用他们我干嘛要告诉你这一切? (因为我爱你阿 干 小花真情告白 甲甲指数MAAAXXXX)( 输入名字) 我之前说过仅管经过了这么多时间你依然是最了解我的人你不会给我那种毫无价值的可悲同情像我们这种生物如果挡到对方的路,杀掉对方是不会迟疑的......这就是为甚么... 为甚么....(BGM瞬间转变)这是什么感觉.....我为甚么在发抖....嘿..... 之前的事不要紧吧? 没关係的吧?你在干嘛! 你....不要过来我改变主意了,我觉得这不再是个好主意了。这边很好,这边现在这个样子很好!不要摆出那种恐怖脸....干 停下来 这不好笑!你的幽默感非常噁心! (花容失色指的就是这状况)最后审判厅:SANS会出现,只有在GE线他才会跟可操控角色对打。GE线他只会出现两次,一次是雪原村警告,一次是这边。SANS:看来你很忙阿? (忙着杀人阿)我有个问题要问你,你相不相信不管多罪大恶极的人,都能改变?只要他们愿意试,都能当一个好人?嘻嘻嘻 好吧 我有个更好的问题要问你:你想吃点骨头吗? (唿应到他之前在雪原村对可操控角色的警告)你再往前一步试看看,你不会喜欢接下来会发生的事的。唉....真抱歉,我的女士,这就是我从不作出承诺的原因了。进入BOSS战的台词:这是个美丽的一天。花儿盛开、小鸟鸣叫、在像这样的日子,像你这样的孩子。(NE国王在王座厅说的台词)就该受地狱业火焚烧sans一开场就用非常噁心的连段勐攻。sans:阿哈哈,我只是觉得奇怪为甚么其他人不一开始就直接拿出全力,这样比较省事不是吗?攻击sans:阿? 你以为我会就站在那边让你打阿? (一定会被闪开)饶过sans:原罪在你背上攀爬 (无法饶过sans)闪过一阶Sans的所有攻击,他就会说要饶过你。选继续攻击:会有一段对话,进入2阶sans。选择饶过sans:阿? 你要饶恕我 终于阿 老兄、兄弟?你一定知道这有多难,作出那种决定...倒回你到目前为止的一切作为.....我要让你知道,我不会让这一切白废的被sans用骨头牢笼攻击秒杀(GAMEOVER画面变成SANS嘲讽板)Sans 会在GAVEOVER画面说:如果你真的是我的朋友就别回来了。2阶 sans:会改变重力方向 连续gaster雷射砲 改变移动空间的大小 瞬间黑屏 选单干扰
公认的最强魔王。如果败给sans后重新读档挑战,sans的开场白会改变:sans不会抱怨关于一开始就放大招的事情,也不会说花鸟地狱。唉呀 你看起来很累的样子,看样子我的工作作的还不错阿。如果是被sans饶恕恶整重新挑战:你看起来很生气阿 看来我整你整的好惨阿恩...你那表情....你那表情看起来像是连续死了两次的人,你看起来还不满足呢。好吧。我们就来第三次如何?恩...你那表情....你那表情看起来像是连续死了卅次的人,我很好奇卅之后该用哪个副词。你要帮我找出答案吗?恩...你那表情....你那表情看起来像是连续死了亖次的人,还是该说泗?管他的,反正我不会再需要用这词了。恩...你那表情....你那表情看起来像是连续死了五次的人,真方便阿。刚好是手指的数目,一根手指一次,哈哈恩...你那表情....你那表情看起来像是连续死了6次的人,真方便阿。刚好是变种手的手指数目,哈哈。恩...你那表情....你那表情看起来像是连续死了7次的人,7是幸运的数字呢。谁知道,搞不好你这次会中大奖。连续死八次,那刚好是蜘蛛的手指数目,阿不对,蜘蛛应该是脚。超过12次后,就会变成:我们直接切入重点吧。王座厅:地下室的停尸间,红色棺材的对话变成:感觉起来就跟看起来一样舒适呢(红字)国王:真奇怪,我从没看过植物会哭你一定就是小花刚才警告我的那个人哈啰? 恩???你是什么怪物阿?真抱歉 我一时看不出来你是哪一种这个吗....我们总是可以(切入战斗)嘿嘿 等等 不需要战斗的 我们可以先来一杯好茶 慢慢的....(一击打到残血)你....为甚么....(小花突然出现杀掉国王)小花:你看!我从来不会背叛你的!这都只是在演戏啦..... 我是在等待完美的时机 帮你杀掉他毕竟.....我是你最好的朋友 小花阿(小花的脸变成小羊)我可以帮你! 我很有用! 我保证我不会挡你的路!我可以帮...我可以的....(变成哭脸,打字音效变成小羊)所以拜託你不要杀我(八连斩杀掉了小花)这段是小花唯一会在GE中以真身出现的桥段。世界终结点传说之下undertale好结局中的特殊剧情一览你好 我是 (输入名字)谢谢你你的力量让我从死亡中甦醒我的【灵魂】我的【决心 】都不是我的,而是你的一开始我困惑我们的计画失败了,不是吗?为什么我又会重获生命?你借由你的引导 我理解到我復甦的意义我们齐心 抹除敌人 让我们更加强大EXP LV ATK DEF每次有数字上升....阿..那种感觉.. 那是我 (输入名字)现在 现在我们到达了绝对这里已经没有东西留给我们了让我们一同抹除这个无意义的世界 然后前进到下一个吧!选择不要:看来你有些误解呢你什么时候有了是你在操控的幻觉呢?之后Chara会以恐怖音效和表情秒杀你选择要:这就对了你真是个好伙伴我们会一直合作下去的,对吧?不管选哪个,都会被9999洗板,然后游戏崩溃。重新开游戏后只会看到一片黑,和噁心的音效。不会有选单画面,无法操作,什么都没有。等待10分鐘,Chara会出现,问你要不要用你的灵魂作个交易,让世界重启?接受就会重启,拒绝会出现新对话,然后再等10分鐘,会再问一次。这并不是真正的重启,99%的游戏内容都会重启,但还是无法改变你破过GE的事实。注:交易的不是游戏中可操控角色的灵魂,是萤幕前面你的灵魂。第二次GE结尾:他(Chara)会提到, 他们会称唿他们自己为&当人们提到祂的名字而来到的恶魔&, 并说你之所以一直毁灭又重创世界是因为有一股&病态的多愁善感&继续选择不要删除:Chara重提&这就是我所提到的那种【病态多愁善感】,并建议你在这之后作其他选择。之后Chara会以另一种音效和表情秒杀你更多攻略请关注:
继圣母一词之后LOL界出现了“小姐姐”一词,很多玩家都和小编一样还没反应过来就懵B了,针对小姐姐这个词小编今天就给大家科普下由来与详细介绍吧!【什么梗大全】小姐姐由来与解释由来:论坛调侃不认同客观事实的女粉丝解释:狂热不理智处理事实的粉丝群体总结:一粉顶十黑,能退就退既可。 ...


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