
国外骗子说要给我的账户打款16.5 Million 欧元然后来找我平分,大家看看什么水平
115回复/5亮 23951浏览
JR真是见多识广,博学多才,小弟受教了。今天下午收到一封莫名的邮件,如下:Letter to: Bart Chen,&Compliment of the season!&My name is Raphael CAPO-CHICHI; I am a close instructor to Late Ing. Frank Chen, an indigene of your country, who later became a Major Shareholder in Shell Benin S.A, an oil company in Cotonou, Benin Republic West Coast of Africa.On the 24th of August 2009, my client and his family were found dead burnt in an auto crash that took place in Cotonou along Bohicon-Lokossa Major Route. Until his unexpected death, he was a contractor.I am contacting you to support me transfer his money from BANQUE ATLANTIQUE.The Bank ordered me to provide the sole su if not the debt account will be confiscated. I have not been fortunate in locating a kin-person or family connection since 6 years ago. But now I seek your kind interest to stand as the only successor to the deceased amount as you fall in the same family name for the release of this account valued at 16.5 Million Euro and be transferred into your bank account in your country considering the allocation you will like to receive this amount and then you and I can share the money equally in this rate (50% for you and 50% for me).The best option we are going to redirect this Money is firstly, I will need you to send me the following information about you like Your Full Name...... and Address....., Your Age...., Occupation....... and Position......, your private e-mail address...........if available, Your Telephone Mobile........and Fax Number........... For easier Communication Purpose with a stern promise to keep the sharing of this fund fo therefore do not involve another person on this proposal.I will provide the necessary documents to back up this acclaimed fund. All that is required is your honest co-operation for us to see this opportunity concluded.It is a guarantee that we will execute this arrangement under the constitution of law.And remember that you must keep this transaction very secret and confidential for security reasons until you receive this said fund in your bank account.I am expecting your call or your comment in this affair as soon as you receive this letter.&Best Regards,Raphael CAPO-CHICHI然后随便回了一个 &what the fuck ,然后骗子给我来了第二封,如下:My dear,I got your mail.&In regards to your mail which you said (what the fuck)I know that you said so because you thought this letter is fake or scam/fraud.&But I will like to prove to you that the authentic of this transaction is for real and not a scam because I only seek for your assistance into this deal for a mutual benefit and not to take advantage of you.And I did not contact you because I want to cheat on you but because you will benefit allot from this transaction.&Therefore I am willing to give you all the proofs that will make you realize that this deal is genuine.&I must tell you that I am a man with great reputation and integrity&and I have no scandal throughout of my many years I have been inpractice.And I came from a very popular and respected family here in Cotonou inwhich that has made me to be more popular and a respected legalpractitioner all over the country and in Africa generally.&In this case I will send all documents that are legitimating this transaction&including my late client’s statement of account which will prove to you that this 16.5 Million Euros are really existing in this bank.So you should realize that I have a reputation and dignity to maintain and I will never involve myself in any fraudulent act that will destroy my career.&So you should rely positively and I assure you that you will never be disappointed.&And once you give me the required information’s then I will prepare an application form on your behalf and submit it to the Bank on your behalf and the bank will contact you for you to give them your bank account details so that they will immediately transfer this 16.5 Million Euros into your bank account which you provide.And I am going to give you guarantee that you must receive this said fund in your bank account within 6 days from the day I will submit your FUND APPLICATION FORM TO THE BANK.Finally I will like to tell you that I have already planned this deal because all am I want to do now are to move this said fund out of my country here to your bank account once you give me your permission to do so.&Then once the fund reflects into your bank account then I will come over to your Home Country there to meet you up for the sharing of the said fund just as the percentage indicated.&Now am waiting for your immediate feedback and opinion in this regards.So once you authorize me to send you all the documents that is legitimating this deal, I will be sending all the documents in my next email to you once you approve it, except the statement of account that will be sending later after you have filled the FUND RELEASE APPLICATION FORM.&Yours &Sincerely.Barrister &Aboubakar Baparape.然后回了一个 I can't believe it ,how do you get my mail address?然后骗子又回复一两千文字的邮件,并寄给我他的护照,律师证件,死亡证明,申请表,吃惊的同时感慨骗子英文很好,邮件如下:Dear&Bart Chen,I am glad hearing from you, at the same time I appreciate your concern towards this transaction. So you should rely positively in this regards hence you will never be disappointed towards working with me in this transaction.Therefore I hereby make it obvious to you that you are the rightful person for this transaction in as much you bears the same last name with my late client also from your Country because I cannot search any longer as I have searched for the relatives since five years ago and nobody knows about this man in your Country.And then I want you to give me your full trust and also give me your full support towards moving this said fund into your bank account in the next few days to come because all my concerned here is to move this said fund out of my Country to your bank account in our Country within this week to avoid confiscation of this said fund by the government.&However, in respect of& Ing. Frank&Chen, I will like to inform you that you stand the chance of claiming this inheritance fund of my late client because you bear the same family name as his and with my personal assistance, I will provide you with all useful information relating to my late client that will convince the bank to release the total fund to you, so I am solidly behind you.&Like I said in my first letter to you, the best way we can achieve this Fund successfully from BANQUE ATLANTIQUE is for you to keep it between me and you only till you receive this said fund in your country.Note that my client died along with the entire family and there is nobody that knows about this deal except me and this bank here, therefore I will like to explain to you in writing that the Bank has been disturbing me to provide the successor to my late client Ing. Frank&Chen.You should be aware that with you in this regards bearing the same last name with my late client from your country honestly there will be no doubt from this Bank and the Bank gave me a deadline which IN 2 WEEKS TIME to face this said fund here amounting to 16.5 Million Euros confiscated to their own treasury as unclaimed fund once I could not be able to provide the heir to my late client, this is the major reason why I have contacted you for you to assist me and let us work together as brothers and partners to move this said fund into your bank account in your Country, then I will come over there in your Country to meet you so that we can share it according to the percentage as we earlier agreed.Hence I need to let you know that I am a man of my word as I must keep to my word, therefore I will also like you to be the same person.Therefore I will explain everything about this deal t however my late client Ing. Frank&Chen&came to Benin Republic as a foreign government contractor, so he was assigned to assist in the construction of most federal roads in Benin cities like Cotonou, Port-Novo, Calavi, even in the interior rural areas.According to what he told me when he was alive, he arrived in Benin here in 1979 and resumed his foreign assistance to help build more roads, he also initiated a program which aids in promoting our local engineers and they all went ahead to study abroad, he was like a mentor.It is from then, he developed the love for my Country and his relationship with my people grew well, so he felt at home.Later, his Shares in SHELL BENIN, an oil company increased progressively as he pumped some of his revenue made from his contract activities on the company and he became Majority Shareholder.I can still remember the day he came to my office to tell me that he will like to sell off most of his shares and deposit it in a bank as he is a foreigner, he pleaded with me for help as his instructor, so I accepted.I am aware of when and how he deposited his money in BANQUE ATLANTIQUE because, I was with him when he deposited a huge sum of money with this bank here, from there he has been withdrawing some money also, he has been depositing more money to this account as of then until he died and left this last sum of 16.5 Million Euros.My relationship with Ing. Frank&Chen&became so close that I will not allow the BANQUE ATLANTIQUE to confiscate his money to the Government treasury as unclaimed fund.&And note that ever since he died, i have searched everywhere trying to locate any of his relatives and to no avail because the deceased died along with his entire family and no one is aware of his stay here in Africa because his grand father died during the 2nd world war and his father went to France at a very younger age and there he met his wife in France in club as at that time and from my investigation his wife does not know any of his relatives because he has never been there before.So from there they had only one son which is my late client and it does not take long before his Mother died and his Father took him to USA where he studied as an Engineer and he told me that his father also died in America many years ago before his arrival to Benin as a contractor.As it is now,i don’t even think that my late client knows any of his relatives until he died, so this has been the reason why the search has been so difficult for me because even himself does not know any of his relatives in your Country when he was alive because he was not born there and he has never been to there before.So all i want you to do now is to fill the fund release application form so that i can submit it to the bank on your behalf and the bank will contact you for you to give them your bank account details for the immediate transfer of this said fund to your bank account in your Country.Like i have told you earlier that you have 100% chance to claim this funds because you bear the same last name with my late client and once i present you as the heir apparent then the bank will never doubt your claim.I repeat gain, it is very obvious that once i present you as the heir apparent to my late client that the bank must credit this said fund to your bank account and once you receive this said fund in your bank account then i will come over to your Country to meet you so that we can share the funds 50:50 because i want to invest part of my own share there in your Country hence your Country have good economy.I want you to know that i am 100% sure that we must achieve success in this deal because i have never encountered failure in my life hence i am always very careful, then you must be aware that i am also a very popular and respected lawyer here with good reputation and dignity.Therefore i will never involve myself in any illegal transaction that will destroy my career.So you can be 100% sure that you are dealing with an honest lawyer and i can give you my word that i will never disappoint you.&Then you should trust me because i have made it obvious to you that i seek your assistance into this deal for a mutual benefit and not to disappoint you.So feel free to work with me in this regards and you will never regret it.But remember to keep everything concerning this transaction very secret and confidential until you receive this said fund i your bank account.At least for the security of this said fund,hence i do not want anybody in your Country or Benin here to be aware of this deal until we conclude this deal and share the funds with Joy and Happiness.&Open the first and the second attached files are my Benin international passport and my attorney license which I I will like you to send to me a copy of your national identity card or international passport just as I have sent mine to you.&And the third attached file here is the Death Certificate to my late client which I have sent for your view.&Meanwhile the last attached file here is the fund release application form which I have just arranged and I will like you to fill in completely with YOUR CONTACT DETAILS, and return back to me with a scan copy of your International passport and then I will be submitting the form and your data to the bank on your behalf as your adviser and&counselor&to represent you here so as to&enable the bank to transfer the inheritance fund to you as the sole successor to my late client.And be informed that once I submit this application form to the bank, then the bank will contact you that immediately so that you can give them your bank account details for the immediate remittance of your inherited fund to your nominated bank account.Therefore we shall work as partners to pray with one mind in order to achieve and celebrate for a successful transaction in a few days to come because I am promising you that once I submit your full contact data to the bank, then be rest assured that you must confirm this said fund into your bank account in the next 5 bank working days starting from that moment that I will submit the Fund release application form to the bank.Then we shall share it 50% for you and 50% for me as I have earlier told you.I am looking forward to receive the filled application form and the scanned copy of your international passport or your national Id card from you immediately.Thanks and may God be with you and your family.Yours Sincerely,Barrister Raphael CAPO-CHICHI Esq.[ 此帖被cheerkobe在 10:28修改 ]
引用9楼 @ 发表的:
没细看,89不离十是尼日利亚骗局,我国外留学以前遭遇过,那时候是大学有给工作机会,在内部网站发工作,结果发现这个“工作”,我当时也单纯,认为大学发的工作广告不可能是假的吧,要是平时发我这样的邮件我根本不会去看的。经过联系那个狗骗子给我寄1500欧元支票叫我去换,说10%当手续费留给我当薪水,剩下90%转到另一个账户。当时好单纯还以为、钱这么容易赚就相信了,结果去了银行说是假支票,(现在想想如果银行没查出是假支票,我还得被坑1350欧不是吗)最后警察把我带走了。关进看守所10分钟,我感觉天都要塌了。后来找了免费律师给我打官司,一审判我伪造支票罪和诈骗罪,罚了80欧元,我上诉,二审原罪名成立,不过法官也觉我冤枉,80欧元就退款了,等于没罚钱。后来我才知道西方国家是讲证据的,毕竟我拿假支票兑换了就有罪,他们也不可能因为这点小事情去抓幕后黑手,要平反得抓后面的黑手,不过没罚钱也没追究了。但是案底还是在的&毕业后直接回国了,估计也不给我办工作签证,不想去撞运气因为有案底,虽然我知道我被人坑了结果还背锅,也没办法,好歹拿了毕业证书走人了。大家帮我顶上去,小弟苦逼,活了20多年各种奇葩事也都碰到过了,晕死[ 此帖被fox16-02-18 22:37修改 ]
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89人参加识货团购379.00元40人参加识货团购299.00元115人参加识货团购278.00元89人参加识货团购678.00元19人参加识货团购418.00元160人参加识货团购379.00元23人参加识货团购298.00元410人参加识货团购1099.00元115人参加识货团购379.00元81人参加识货团购399.00元29人参加识货团购399.00元148人参加识货团购389.00元国外骗子说要给我的账户打款16.5 Million 欧元然后来找我平分,大家看看什么水平
115回复/5亮 23951浏览
JR真是见多识广,博学多才,小弟受教了。今天下午收到一封莫名的邮件,如下:Letter to: Bart Chen,&Compliment of the season!&My name is Raphael CAPO-CHICHI; I am a close instructor to Late Ing. Frank Chen, an indigene of your country, who later became a Major Shareholder in Shell Benin S.A, an oil company in Cotonou, Benin Republic West Coast of Africa.On the 24th of August 2009, my client and his family were found dead burnt in an auto crash that took place in Cotonou along Bohicon-Lokossa Major Route. Until his unexpected death, he was a contractor.I am contacting you to support me transfer his money from BANQUE ATLANTIQUE.The Bank ordered me to provide the sole su if not the debt account will be confiscated. I have not been fortunate in locating a kin-person or family connection since 6 years ago. But now I seek your kind interest to stand as the only successor to the deceased amount as you fall in the same family name for the release of this account valued at 16.5 Million Euro and be transferred into your bank account in your country considering the allocation you will like to receive this amount and then you and I can share the money equally in this rate (50% for you and 50% for me).The best option we are going to redirect this Money is firstly, I will need you to send me the following information about you like Your Full Name...... and Address....., Your Age...., Occupation....... and Position......, your private e-mail address...........if available, Your Telephone Mobile........and Fax Number........... For easier Communication Purpose with a stern promise to keep the sharing of this fund fo therefore do not involve another person on this proposal.I will provide the necessary documents to back up this acclaimed fund. All that is required is your honest co-operation for us to see this opportunity concluded.It is a guarantee that we will execute this arrangement under the constitution of law.And remember that you must keep this transaction very secret and confidential for security reasons until you receive this said fund in your bank account.I am expecting your call or your comment in this affair as soon as you receive this letter.&Best Regards,Raphael CAPO-CHICHI然后随便回了一个 &what the fuck ,然后骗子给我来了第二封,如下:My dear,I got your mail.&In regards to your mail which you said (what the fuck)I know that you said so because you thought this letter is fake or scam/fraud.&But I will like to prove to you that the authentic of this transaction is for real and not a scam because I only seek for your assistance into this deal for a mutual benefit and not to take advantage of you.And I did not contact you because I want to cheat on you but because you will benefit allot from this transaction.&Therefore I am willing to give you all the proofs that will make you realize that this deal is genuine.&I must tell you that I am a man with great reputation and integrity&and I have no scandal throughout of my many years I have been inpractice.And I came from a very popular and respected family here in Cotonou inwhich that has made me to be more popular and a respected legalpractitioner all over the country and in Africa generally.&In this case I will send all documents that are legitimating this transaction&including my late client’s statement of account which will prove to you that this 16.5 Million Euros are really existing in this bank.So you should realize that I have a reputation and dignity to maintain and I will never involve myself in any fraudulent act that will destroy my career.&So you should rely positively and I assure you that you will never be disappointed.&And once you give me the required information’s then I will prepare an application form on your behalf and submit it to the Bank on your behalf and the bank will contact you for you to give them your bank account details so that they will immediately transfer this 16.5 Million Euros into your bank account which you provide.And I am going to give you guarantee that you must receive this said fund in your bank account within 6 days from the day I will submit your FUND APPLICATION FORM TO THE BANK.Finally I will like to tell you that I have already planned this deal because all am I want to do now are to move this said fund out of my country here to your bank account once you give me your permission to do so.&Then once the fund reflects into your bank account then I will come over to your Home Country there to meet you up for the sharing of the said fund just as the percentage indicated.&Now am waiting for your immediate feedback and opinion in this regards.So once you authorize me to send you all the documents that is legitimating this deal, I will be sending all the documents in my next email to you once you approve it, except the statement of account that will be sending later after you have filled the FUND RELEASE APPLICATION FORM.&Yours &Sincerely.Barrister &Aboubakar Baparape.然后回了一个 I can't believe it ,how do you get my mail address?然后骗子又回复一两千文字的邮件,并寄给我他的护照,律师证件,死亡证明,申请表,吃惊的同时感慨骗子英文很好,邮件如下:Dear&Bart Chen,I am glad hearing from you, at the same time I appreciate your concern towards this transaction. So you should rely positively in this regards hence you will never be disappointed towards working with me in this transaction.Therefore I hereby make it obvious to you that you are the rightful person for this transaction in as much you bears the same last name with my late client also from your Country because I cannot search any longer as I have searched for the relatives since five years ago and nobody knows about this man in your Country.And then I want you to give me your full trust and also give me your full support towards moving this said fund into your bank account in the next few days to come because all my concerned here is to move this said fund out of my Country to your bank account in our Country within this week to avoid confiscation of this said fund by the government.&However, in respect of& Ing. Frank&Chen, I will like to inform you that you stand the chance of claiming this inheritance fund of my late client because you bear the same family name as his and with my personal assistance, I will provide you with all useful information relating to my late client that will convince the bank to release the total fund to you, so I am solidly behind you.&Like I said in my first letter to you, the best way we can achieve this Fund successfully from BANQUE ATLANTIQUE is for you to keep it between me and you only till you receive this said fund in your country.Note that my client died along with the entire family and there is nobody that knows about this deal except me and this bank here, therefore I will like to explain to you in writing that the Bank has been disturbing me to provide the successor to my late client Ing. Frank&Chen.You should be aware that with you in this regards bearing the same last name with my late client from your country honestly there will be no doubt from this Bank and the Bank gave me a deadline which IN 2 WEEKS TIME to face this said fund here amounting to 16.5 Million Euros confiscated to their own treasury as unclaimed fund once I could not be able to provide the heir to my late client, this is the major reason why I have contacted you for you to assist me and let us work together as brothers and partners to move this said fund into your bank account in your Country, then I will come over there in your Country to meet you so that we can share it according to the percentage as we earlier agreed.Hence I need to let you know that I am a man of my word as I must keep to my word, therefore I will also like you to be the same person.Therefore I will explain everything about this deal t however my late client Ing. Frank&Chen&came to Benin Republic as a foreign government contractor, so he was assigned to assist in the construction of most federal roads in Benin cities like Cotonou, Port-Novo, Calavi, even in the interior rural areas.According to what he told me when he was alive, he arrived in Benin here in 1979 and resumed his foreign assistance to help build more roads, he also initiated a program which aids in promoting our local engineers and they all went ahead to study abroad, he was like a mentor.It is from then, he developed the love for my Country and his relationship with my people grew well, so he felt at home.Later, his Shares in SHELL BENIN, an oil company increased progressively as he pumped some of his revenue made from his contract activities on the company and he became Majority Shareholder.I can still remember the day he came to my office to tell me that he will like to sell off most of his shares and deposit it in a bank as he is a foreigner, he pleaded with me for help as his instructor, so I accepted.I am aware of when and how he deposited his money in BANQUE ATLANTIQUE because, I was with him when he deposited a huge sum of money with this bank here, from there he has been withdrawing some money also, he has been depositing more money to this account as of then until he died and left this last sum of 16.5 Million Euros.My relationship with Ing. Frank&Chen&became so close that I will not allow the BANQUE ATLANTIQUE to confiscate his money to the Government treasury as unclaimed fund.&And note that ever since he died, i have searched everywhere trying to locate any of his relatives and to no avail because the deceased died along with his entire family and no one is aware of his stay here in Africa because his grand father died during the 2nd world war and his father went to France at a very younger age and there he met his wife in France in club as at that time and from my investigation his wife does not know any of his relatives because he has never been there before.So from there they had only one son which is my late client and it does not take long before his Mother died and his Father took him to USA where he studied as an Engineer and he told me that his father also died in America many years ago before his arrival to Benin as a contractor.As it is now,i don’t even think that my late client knows any of his relatives until he died, so this has been the reason why the search has been so difficult for me because even himself does not know any of his relatives in your Country when he was alive because he was not born there and he has never been to there before.So all i want you to do now is to fill the fund release application form so that i can submit it to the bank on your behalf and the bank will contact you for you to give them your bank account details for the immediate transfer of this said fund to your bank account in your Country.Like i have told you earlier that you have 100% chance to claim this funds because you bear the same last name with my late client and once i present you as the heir apparent then the bank will never doubt your claim.I repeat gain, it is very obvious that once i present you as the heir apparent to my late client that the bank must credit this said fund to your bank account and once you receive this said fund in your bank account then i will come over to your Country to meet you so that we can share the funds 50:50 because i want to invest part of my own share there in your Country hence your Country have good economy.I want you to know that i am 100% sure that we must achieve success in this deal because i have never encountered failure in my life hence i am always very careful, then you must be aware that i am also a very popular and respected lawyer here with good reputation and dignity.Therefore i will never involve myself in any illegal transaction that will destroy my career.So you can be 100% sure that you are dealing with an honest lawyer and i can give you my word that i will never disappoint you.&Then you should trust me because i have made it obvious to you that i seek your assistance into this deal for a mutual benefit and not to disappoint you.So feel free to work with me in this regards and you will never regret it.But remember to keep everything concerning this transaction very secret and confidential until you receive this said fund i your bank account.At least for the security of this said fund,hence i do not want anybody in your Country or Benin here to be aware of this deal until we conclude this deal and share the funds with Joy and Happiness.&Open the first and the second attached files are my Benin international passport and my attorney license which I I will like you to send to me a copy of your national identity card or international passport just as I have sent mine to you.&And the third attached file here is the Death Certificate to my late client which I have sent for your view.&Meanwhile the last attached file here is the fund release application form which I have just arranged and I will like you to fill in completely with YOUR CONTACT DETAILS, and return back to me with a scan copy of your International passport and then I will be submitting the form and your data to the bank on your behalf as your adviser and&counselor&to represent you here so as to&enable the bank to transfer the inheritance fund to you as the sole successor to my late client.And be informed that once I submit this application form to the bank, then the bank will contact you that immediately so that you can give them your bank account details for the immediate remittance of your inherited fund to your nominated bank account.Therefore we shall work as partners to pray with one mind in order to achieve and celebrate for a successful transaction in a few days to come because I am promising you that once I submit your full contact data to the bank, then be rest assured that you must confirm this said fund into your bank account in the next 5 bank working days starting from that moment that I will submit the Fund release application form to the bank.Then we shall share it 50% for you and 50% for me as I have earlier told you.I am looking forward to receive the filled application form and the scanned copy of your international passport or your national Id card from you immediately.Thanks and may God be with you and your family.Yours Sincerely,Barrister Raphael CAPO-CHICHI Esq.[ 此帖被cheerkobe在 10:28修改 ]
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